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what are the benefits of warming up before exercise

What are the Benefits of Warming up Before Exercise?

You are not alone if you don’t. Sometimes we’re just trying to get it done. Maybe it’s before work, during the lunch hour, amid the hustle-and-bustle of family life, or at the end of an already busy day. Whatever the case, it can be tempting to skip the warm-up and just get our exercise done. Still, there some are very good reasons why we should warm up.

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is it better to walk faster or longer

Is it better to walk faster or longer?

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or gain stamina, it’s helpful to have a goal. One way to set your goal is to choose how long or far you will walk, but which is better? Is it better to walk faster or longer? What about pace?

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walking program for seniors

Walking for Seniors

Starting and sustaining a walking program is a safe and effective form of exercise for most people. Walking for fitness has many health benefits and is a great choice for physical activity regardless of age.

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how to choose sunscreen

How to Choose Sunscreen

When choosing sunscreen, there are three primary things to consider: Broad spectrum protection (UVA/UVB), Sun Protection Factor (SPF), and water resistance.

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what are the best socks for your feet

What Are the Best Socks for Your Feet?

While we often talk about the right athletic shoes and clothing, sometimes we forget about our socks. Yet, socks can make a big difference in comfort and protection. So, be sure to choose the best socks for your activity.

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Howdy Health Team-Based Physical Activity Programs Implementation Guide
Click or tap the image to download the PDF guide.

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