Sugary Snack Alternatives
When you’re trying to cut down on added sugar, but a sugary snack attack comes on, what should you do? Here are some options that can help you turn that sugar craving into a healthy choice.
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When you’re trying to cut down on added sugar, but a sugary snack attack comes on, what should you do? Here are some options that can help you turn that sugar craving into a healthy choice.
What can you do to reduce your added sugar intake? Find a myriad of ideas in this article – some with no added sugar and others to help you reduce the added sugar in the beverages you already enjoy. We have provided 5 ways to replace your sugar-sweetened beverages with healthier alternatives.
Our bodies need one type of sugar, called glucose, to function, but we don’t need added sugars. Glucose is used as fuel throughout the body.
If your core is not strong, it can limit your balance and stability as well as impede your ability to perform daily functions and perform at your peak level of fitness.
Use any of these 4 treadmill workouts for beginners to add variety and physical benefits to your workouts.
To get the most out of your resistance training sessions, having your goals in mind can help you decide where to focus your efforts. This is because your body adapts to and becomes more efficient at the exercises you do.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as walking. They also recommend at least 2 days a week of muscle-strengthening activity that make your muscles work harder.
The human body is made up of approximately 60% water, making water one of the body’s most essential components. For this reason, it’s important for your body to get the right amount of water for optimal hydration.
Dairy foods offer essential nutrients that contribute to overall well-being, but can also add a healthy dose of good bacteria, known as probiotics, that can
Set up a group step challenge at your worksite, school, church, and more!
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