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About Mental Health and Wellbeing Education

AgriLife Extension’s resources and programs focus on education to promote overall wellbeing and prevent crises stemming from mental health challenges.

Did you know?

Did you know that all Texans have the right to better mental health and wellbeing?

Did you know that all Texans are equipped to help promote the mental health and wellbeing of the community?

Did you know that at the click of an (appropriate) button, Texans can access resources and services at low or no cost that promote wellbeing and prevent mental health crises?

AgriLife Extension’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Approach

Developmentally Appropriate

Programming and resources that serve all Texans throughout the lifespan.

Universally Designed

Programming and resources that are accessible to and inclusive for all Texans.

Practical and Hands-on

Promoting wellbeing and preventing crises by providing answers to – Who needs the help? When should I provide help? What help can I provide? and, Can I provide timely help?